Harmony eDelivery Access Community
The open-source community of Harmony eDelivery Access is for anyone interested in Harmony. It's about learning from others and sharing skills and experiences to create better digital services, both technically and business-wise.
At its best, the community can facilitate reusing solutions other organisations have already created. It makes more sense for developers to post their questions to a community because another organisation may already have an answer or have experienced a similar issue.
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By clicking “Get My Invite”, I agree with the Code of Conduct and with the Procedure for the use of data and data processing, and I understand my rights that I can take the consent back at any time, informing the Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS).
By clicking “Get My Invite”, I agree with the Code of Conduct and with the Procedure for the use of data and data processing, and I understand my rights that I can take the consent back at any time, informing the Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS).